Carmen Barmbichler
Senior Consultant
Personal Background
I have been involved in personnel diagnostics and leadership development since 1995. From my own leadership role, I know about the challenges that managers have to face on a daily basis. Our leadership behavior is a decisive factor for the performance of our teams. In my work, I focus passionately on providing managers with a realistic assessment of their leadership competencies in order to then build upon their strengths and optimize their areas of improvement with tailor-made solutions. I benefit both from my professional background and from the experience of having worked as a manager myself for many years.
In my view, central elements of successful leadership are good communication and feedback. It gives me great pleasure to be able to accompany people in their personal development and thus provide real added value.
Professional Background
- Study of psychology
- Market research
- Global strategic human resources development in an international consumer goods company
- Continuing education Organizational development
- Training for autogenic training
- Currently training as a hypnotherapist
- Certified Online Workshop Coach
Core Competences
- Personnel diagnostics: conception and implementation of assessment formats
- Conception and implementation of programs and workshops
- Development of customer-specific competence models
- Feedback
Product Focus
Leadership Diagnostics
- 360 degree feedback
- Appraisals, Assessments, Development Centers
Leadership Development
- Coaching, team/group coaching
- Team / Strategy Workshops
Live, virtual and hybrid
My personal approach ...
360 Degree Feedback
For me, it is always exciting to experience the 360 degree feedback in different application options, and this applies to every level of processing. It is interesting to capture the individual profile of a person from the numbers and then share this picture in conversation with the person and support them in reflecting on the results. It excites me to also take the next step in the feedback process and get the feedback receiver's employees to talk openly about the leadership behaviors they experience and want. If, in addition, we point out leadership conspicuities in an organization as part of a Group Report, we have maximized the diagnostic value of 360-degree feedback.
Development Centers / Assessments /Appraisals
Since people usually get too little feedback on their abilities, I experience each format of this product group as extremely powerful. Supporting people in seeing themselves more clearly in terms of their abilities and skills, but also in terms of their areas of development, is for me the basis for development. It is a special concern of mine to address topics in a way that they can be understood and accepted.
Group coaching
I am especially passionate about group coaching. Accompanying people in their individual development in this modular, 1-year program is a very special experience for me every time. Seeing how a group of cautiously acting, sometimes skeptical individuals develops into a welded network that grows with and amongst each other always inspires me personally.
Strategy and team workshops
I experience again and again that teams, no matter on which level, sometimes do not take the time - can't or don't want to talk about central topics in the team on the meta level. However, these are important in order to bundle energies, avoid redundancies and sharpen the focus. I really enjoy offering teams the space for precisely these topics in these formats. Supporting people in establishing a culture of open communication and seeking genuine discussion is important, and its effect is always remarkable to me.
My reading recommendations for you
In their articles on resilience (parts 1-3), my colleagues Christl Bubik and Gudrun Gaedke describe very impressively how relevant this topic has become. They also understand how to bring it closer to the participants in terms of its relevance and impact.
Resiliente Führung in Krisenzeiten - Teil 1
In her article “We need to talk", my colleague Kerstin Schraufstetter deals with the central importance of communication and impressively shows that "not communicating" is usually a worse decision than addressing critical issues in order to create the basis for clarification.
About me
I have found in my own life that life consists of changes that can be used as opportunities. I have learned that there is always something good in all changes and challenges, so that we can grow steadily from the demands. A high degree of optimism and solution orientation has always helped me personally to look ahead and shape the future.
For me, my family is an important counterbalance to my professional life. I particularly enjoy the role of grandmother. I can work very well alone, but I'm more of a pack person at heart. For this reason, I especially enjoy working with groups. I enjoy encouraging people to better understand themselves and others and to openly exchange ideas with each other.
In my free time I like to travel and love to be in nature. This is an inspiring and relaxing balance for me.
My family and friends appreciate me for my humor and my Rhenish cheerfulness. If you were to ask my children, they would say that I can't be shocked, and that in any situation, no matter how messed up, I always look at solutions instead of the problem or even the culprit.
Kerstin Schraufstetter about me:
Carmen succeeds in addressing difficult topics in such a way that people deal with critical issues substantively and do not become emotionally defensive.