Kerstin Schraufstetter
Senior Consultant
Personal Background
As an HR Manager in Learning & Development, I am truly convinced that people are able to perform best when they are satisfied and love what they do. My passion is about supporting people in identifying their drivers, their strengths and what is important to them -which is key for adopting an authentic and confident attitude. That means getting a free mind for your environment, for people and challenges; being balanced even in stressful situations and being open for feedback. Feedback is what makes us grow. It is the starting point for each personal development process. My mission is to support you passing this process by enhancing competencies and developing behavior.
… since people, who know where they come from and what they are able to, can passionate others for their objectives.
Professional Background
- M.A. French, Media Sciences, Business Administration, Adult Learning (Trier)
- International Management (France)
- 10 years in HR Learning & Development and recruiting
- Certified Systemic Business Coach (Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin)
- TalentQ certification
- Languages: French, Spanish
Core Competences
- Personnel and leadership development
- Diagnostics
- Career and transition coaching
- Creating and facilitating trainings: Stress management, Crucial conversations
Product Focus
- 360 degree feedback
- Development Center and Assessment Center
- Leadership development