Anita Lung
Senior Consultant
Personal Background
As a sociologist I consider organizations embedded in their social environment believing that their sustainable development can be only based on mutual enrichment. As a consultant I am dedicated to support people and organizations in order to uncover their hidden talents, ideas and potentials. Keeping on eye on the big picture I prefer to focus on special details, that can make the relevant difference.
Professional Background
- Degree on the College of Foreing Trade, Budapest and University of Vienna, Sociology
- Systemic Consulting of Organizations Advanced train-the-trainer courses, Group dinamics.
- Languages : German, English, Hungarian (Mother tongue), Russian
Core Competences
- Organisatinal Development
- Cultural Change
- Leadership development
- Leading divers and intercultural teams
- Dealing with complexity and contradictions
Product Focus
- Qualitative System Analysis
- Managementworkshops
- Development of Leadership-Teams
- 360 Grad Feedback-Process
- Development Center for Advanced Managers