Christl Bubik
Senior Consultant
Personal Background
My passion is to support people to grow and develop personally and in their professional role by using their strengths and potentials. In my work, two aspects are especially important to me: a positive image of the human being and a clear focus on implementation. As a consultant and coach I therefore aim to further a strong sense of self-responsibility so that necessary changes are managed with a positive and committed mindset and a willingness to be effective. Clients value my profound process knowhow, my capability to observe, as well as my persistency in asking questions. I tackle issues with curiosity and mindfulness and I am willing to make several reflective turns rather than to enforce quick solutions.
Thanks to my year-long experience in foreign countries, I know about the challenges and opportunities of intercultural cooperation and actively make use of this knowhow when working with my clients. It makes me happy professionally when diversity in companies is increasingly considered as a valuable resource which can open up new opportunities and perspectives.
Professional Background
- Studies of economics
- Strategy consultancy Eastern Europe
- Marketing and brand management
- Master studies Communication & Coaching
- Psychological counsellor
- ISO-certified coach and trainer
- Certified coach and trainer
- Additional languages: Italian, French
Core Competences
- Coaching in professional and leadership contexts
- Behavioral analysis: Assessment Center and Development Center
- Empathic communication: workshops and trainings
- Leadership development
Product Focus
- Coaching
- 360 degree feedback processes
- Development Center, Assessment Center
- Management Appraisals
- Group Coaching
My personal approach ...
360 Degree Feedback
One of the most valuable and exciting aspects of a 360 degree feedback for me is the possibility to develop a clear perception of the individual participant’s leadership behavior based on data meta-analysis. The subsequent reflection process, with the participant in a feedback session and with the entire team in a team debriefing, enables the identification of blind spots and long-standing patterns. This leads to sustainable learning and focused development.
Development Centers
Important success criteria for a DC are a clear structure and process design as well as a focused observation of behavior on the meta level. The core aspect for me, however, is the joint reflection process between consultants and superiors about the observed leadership behavior. This process enables us to identify the strengths and development areas of each participant and to define individual development needs. It makes me smile and feel grateful when I hear form DC participants how much they profited from the imminent and appreciative feedback on their performance.
Leadership Coaching
My approach to coaching is based on the conviction that each human being has all the necessary potential to develop and grow and to orchestrate change in a positive way. In my work with my clients, I aim to adapt my interventions to their needs, and together we focus on their strengths and resources in order to reach and implement the individual goals.
Workshops/Compact programs
Important to me in workshops and compact programs are an open mind of the participants and the willingness to learn from „doing it yourself.“ Trying out new behavior and reflecting about one´s own personal experience are both an essential requirement and the basis for sustainable learning and further development. My focus themes in workshops and compact programs are Emotional Intelligence, individual and team resilience as well as empathetic communication.
My reading suggestion for you: Selbstkompetenz Achtsamkeit by Gerhard Liska:
Gerhard is a role model in living mindfulness. I heartily suggest learning from him.
About me
My life has been shaped by many changes and detours. From childhood on I have frequently spent several years abroad in a foreign country. I was forced to cut roots, to adapt to a different environment and to restart anew. Thus I have learned how important it is for one´s own personal resilience and growth to approach people with an open mind and to be ready to focus on the positive sides of changing living circumstances. Open communication, resilience, and intercultural management have therefore also become important topics in my work with leaders.
My colleagues and friends appreciate me most for my empathy, my curiosity, my adaptability and flexibility. Many of them describe me as very reliable and disciplined. These characteristics are an important basis for my work as an independent consultant.
Personally I love to spend time with friends enjoying art and culture. Looking at art or listening to music I discover new perspectives or find myself challenged to allow different ways of perception which I then like to exchange with others. This I find inspiring and stimulating. Especially important to me is the time I spend with my family, discussing and laughing over a good meal or riding bikes together. On trips to foreign countries with my daughter, my sense of adventure comes alive and makes me step out of my comfort zone leading me to try out new and exciting things.
Kerstin Schraufstetter about me:
Christl is 100% reliable. She is very helpful and perfectly prepared for each project which is of great value especially in complex settings such as a Development Centers. Christl´s major strengths are her empathy and her inner stability which she professionally integrates into her coaching practice. She focuses her attention completely on her coaching clients and supports them with mindfulness and great respect.
Gerhard Liska about me:
What I especially value in Christl is her ability to answer attentively and carefully to the needs and individual questions of the persons she works with. Thanks to her empathetic and resourceful attitude she is able to offer a space of special quality in coachings and trainings which inspires and facilitates personal and professional development.